Personal Data Protection Notice (Privacy Notice)

Effective Date: August 1, 2019


We, Hisense (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“Hisense Malaysia”) with the address of Level 1, Oasis Wing, Brunsfield Oasis Tower 3, Oasis Square, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Damansara, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, wish to assure you that we take your privacy seriously and are committed to the protection of your personal information.

This Personal Data Protection Notice (“Privacy Notice”) explains how we will collect, use and disclose your Personal Data (as defined in section 2.1).


  1. Sources of Information

1.1     Your Personal Data has and/or will be obtained from the following sources, where applicable, or such other sources which we may see fit from time to time:

  1. information provided or submitted by you via our website, our social media accounts, emails, facsimile, letter and manual submission;

  2. information provided or submitted by you at any launching, competitions, contests, events, surveys, redemptions, marketing, promotions, warranty registration, after sales support, repair support, online application, conference, seminars or talks organised or sponsored by Hisense Malaysia via online registration, registration form and application form;

  3. information provided or submitted by you during any interview with us;

  4. personal data collected from the cookies used on our website at;and

  5. other written or verbal communications or documents delivered to Hisense Malaysia prior and during our service.

(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Services”).


This Privacy Notice applies regardless of whether you use a computer, mobile phone, tablet, TV or other device to access our Services.


  1. Collection of Personal Data

2.1     The Personal Data collected by us generally includes:

  1. name;

  2. phone number;

  3. address;

  4. NRIC;

  5. email;

  6. bank account information;

  7. particular of your spouse and family;

  8. any other personal information which may identify you; and

  9. any such information as we deem necessary or appropriate from time to time in connection with your commercial relationship with us

(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Personal Data”).


  1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

3.1     We will process the Personal Data that you have provided to us for the following purposes, including but not limited to:

  1. communicate with you;

  2. register you or your product for a Service;

  3. provide you the service you require;

  4. our internal record keeping;

  5. updating our records about you;

  6. contact you regarding your enquiries;

  7. understand the way you use the Services so that we can improve your experience;

  8. conduct free prize draws, prize competitions, or promotions, as permitted by law;

  9. provide marketing and promotion information to you;

  10. advertising; and

  11. all other purposes incidental or associated with the above.

3.2     We may share your information with:

  1. our affiliates, i.e. Hisense International Co., Ltd.;

  2. our business partners, i.e. our trusted business partners for event or competition;

  3. our service providers, i.e. authorized service centers and customer call center, and redemption center;

  4. law enforcement, based on the court order or the request from the authorities; and

  5. other parties with your consent or at your direction.


  1. Storage and Security

4.1     We store your Personal Data in hard and/or soft copy.

4.2     The soft copy Personal Data is store in:

  1. the file server;

  2. email server;

  3. personal computer;

  4. notebook;

  5. hard disk;

  6. USB flash drive; and

  7. online backup service;

which may be transferred to, stored, used and processed in a jurisdiction other than Malaysia.    

4.3     We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that such information is kept confidential.

4.4     We have taken reasonable physical and technical measures to safeguard the information we collect in connection with the Services. However, please note that although we take reasonable steps to protect your information, no server, website, Internet transmission, computer system or wireless connection is completely secure.

4.5     Personal Data will be disclosed on a strictly need to know basic to our authorised personnel.


  1. Disclosure

5.1     We will not disclose your Personal Data to any third parties without your consent unless it is consented by you or legally required by any court, regulatory and governmental authorities. However, we may disclose your Personal Data to the following parties in good faith for the purposes as stated above:

  1. the authorised personnel within Hisense Malaysia and Hisense Malaysia’s partners which shall include but not limited to the personnel and/or organisation as mention in Clause 3.1 a), b) & c) above;

  2. the government authorities;

  3. the judiciary;

  4. storage facility providers;

  5. information technology service providers; and

  6. any professional advisors.;

which may be located in other jurisdictions.

5.2     We do not trade or otherwise transfer your Personal Data to third party for any other reason.


  1. Your Rights in respect your Personal Data.

6.1     You have certain rights, including the right to access, update or correct your Personal Data or withdraw your consent to the use, collection and disclosure of your Personal Data which hold by us.  

6.2     If you would like to make any inquiries or complaints or request access or correction of your personal data, please email us at [email protected]. For your information, any request to access or correct Personal Data may subject to a fee and also to any requirement under Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

6.3     By providing us with your Personal Data and your consent to the processing of Personal Data, we can, in return to provide you with high quality legal services that meet your needs and objectives.

6.4     We may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, or for which access is not otherwise required by the law, in particularly Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

6.5     We take reasonable steps to ensure that information about you is available only for so long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, or as required under any contract, or by applicable law.

By accessing and using our Services, you consent to the storage of information, Personal Data, cookies, other local storage technologies, and other information on your products. You also consent to the access of such cookies, local storage technologies, Personal Data and information by us and by the third parties mentioned above.



If you have any specific questions, please contact us at:


Data Protection Officer

Marketing Department

Hisense (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Level 1, Oasis Wing, Brunsfield Oasis Tower 3, Oasis Square, No. 2, 

Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Damansara, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. 

Tel No.: +603 7859 9550

Email: [email protected] or contact our customer service department at


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